Suicide Jokes Aren’t Funny


“I’m going to kill myself,” “I want to die,” and “literally kill me” are just a few of the over exaggerated phrases I hear among my peers throughout each day. I won’t lie, I am guilty of this as well. As a population, we are becoming more and more desensitized to stuff like this. When confronted, most will claim they were only joking and that they’re just stressed out.

This is already becoming a boy who cried wolf situation, and I fear that because people throw these phrases around so casually that someone’s actual cries for help will go unnoticed and be dismissed as a moment of over exaggerated stress. Jokes are jokes, and these happen to be some that many find quirky and relatable, but everyone should take a step back and realize the seriousness of what they are saying.

Instead of saying you want to kill yourself because you forgot that essay that is due next block, just say you’re stressed and accept that defeat. Instead of saying that you want to die because you sent a risky text, turn your phone off and try not to think about  it.

If you actually are experiencing suicidal thoughts, seek help. Whether it’s your friends, your parents, or a professional, there will always be someone willing to listen to you.

The definition of a joke is “a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter,” so let’s stop laughing at human misery.

If you or someone you know is seriously considering suicide, call 1-800-237-8255.