5 Things to Know: Veterans Day

Photo courtesy of cseany.org

Photo courtesy of cseany.org

Veterans Day is a day in which Americans honors all the men and woman that have served their country.With parades and gushes of red, white and blue surrounding November 11th, it is only right to examine Veterans Day a bit closer.

1. How did Veterans Day come to be?

Since 1919, the celebration of military personnel has taken place; however, it was formally known as “Armistice Day” until 1954 when President Eisenhower changed it to Veterans Day.

2. Why does Veterans Day occur every year on November 11th?

November 11th is significant due to it being the day that World War I ended.

3. What is the difference between Veterans and Memorial Day?

Memorial Day honors the service members who sacrificed their lives for the good of the country, while Veterans Day pays tribute to all military members that have served whether they are alive or deceased.

4. How many veterans are there?

According to history.com, there are approximately 23.2 million veterans in the United States. Texas homes 1.7 million former military personnel.

5. Do other countries observe Veterans Day?

Yes, several other countries including Britain, France, Australia, and Canada, pay tribute to their veterans either through moments of silence or a remembrance day.

Before the day ends, make it your goal to show gratitude to at least one service member for their service and commitment because without them freedom would not ring.