5 Things to Know: 2015 Mid-term Exams

December 11, 2015

When are midterms?

Midterms for core classes take place December 15 – 18. Midterms for elective classes take place January 12 – 15. Exams for periods 5 – 9 are on Tuesday and Wednesday, and exams for periods 1 – 4 are on Thursday and Friday for both weeks.

How much do midterms affect the semester grade of a class?

Midterms count as 20% of your semester grade, the first six weeks count as 26%, and the second and third six weeks count as 27% each.

What are considered core and elective classes?

All english, math, social studies, and science classes necessary for graduation are considered core classes. For science, core classes will also include AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C: Mechanics, Anatomy & Physiology, and Astronomy. It does not include AP Environmental Science, Psychology, or Sociology.

How many exemptions does each student receive?

Students receive 2 exemptions to be used in any of their classes they are eligible for exemptions in.

What are the criteria needed to be eligible to exempt a class?

Students must have an un-weighted average of 80% or higher for the second semester in the lass they wish to exempt. Students must have 2 or fewer absences prior to the day of the exam in the class they wish to exempt, even if they are excused with a doctor’s note.



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