First Time Voters


The 2016 presidential election has definitely been one for the books, with its many controversial quirks and oddities. Of course there are very strong political opinions expressed by the MHS student body, but we wanted to focus on how the student voters felt about the process itself.

What made you choose to vote?

“For me, there wasn’t any question. This was an election like no other and I couldn’t stand just sitting on the sidelines,” senior, Ryan Hurt, said.

Were you excited to vote?

“Yes because I wanted to do what I could to keep Trump out of office,” senior, Kyle Powell, said.

“Yes I was super excited,” Hurt said.

Do you feel like your vote counted?

“Not really because it just goes to the electoral college,” Powell.

“Yes. Every vote counts,” Hurt said.

Did it feel weird to vote?

“Kinda. I didn’t really think about it like that,” Powell said.

“Yes, so weird. Like wow I’m adulting,” Hurt said.