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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Rachel Milan

Rachel Milan, Staff Writer

I’m a junior and this is my first year on staff. People say it’s the hardest and most tiring year, and so far I have to agree. Other than that, I’m heavily involved in photography for Ben Barber. We do all sorts of competitions and even go out on jobs. Recently some of my photos were submitted for a competition we did over the summer. Photography is a big part of my life and it’s something I hope I can keep pursuing into a career. Outside of school, I don’t do much, however, I do play soccer and I’ve been playing since I was six years old. I also have three dogs that are very energetic and friendly. I love going to concerts; it is by far my favorite thing to do, especially with friends. Unfortunately, that isn’t possible right now because of Corona but I’m still thankful for the music my favorite artists have been putting out because it’s really helping me get through this. Lastly, I like spending time with friends and family. We do a lot together, for instance, watching movies. I like a lot of horror and coming-of-age movies (I know they’re almost completely different genres but I like the contrast). 

All content by Rachel Milan

Personal Column: My Future

Rachel Milan, Staff Writer November 12, 2020

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Senior Named Nation Merit Semi-Finalist

Rachel Milan, Staff Writer November 12, 2020

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Throwback Thursday - Teacher Edition: Kim Lovelace

Throwback Thursday – Teacher Edition: Kim Lovelace

Rachel Milan, Staff Writer October 1, 2020

Want to know more about one of our favorite art teachers? Read below to learn a little extra about Ms. Lovelace.   Q: What high school did you attend? College?  A: Ben Davis High School;...

COVID-19 Brings New Challenges to Teachers, Students

COVID-19 Brings New Challenges to Teachers, Students

Rachel Milan, Staff Writer September 3, 2020

Teachers have to face new challenges this year because of COVID-19; they are balancing teaching students online, transitioning to in-person learning and organizing curriculum during a pandemic.  “I...

Personal Column: Anxiety and COVID

Personal Column: Anxiety and COVID

Rachel Milan, Staff Writer September 1, 2020

Quarantine has everyone struggling in one way or another, but starting school has been the hardest thing for me this year. Dealing with COVID alone is hard enough, but battling mental health alongside...

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