Coming Together to Support Maberry Through Tragedy


After coaching at Mansfield High school for twenty years, and after becoming the football team’s head coach, Coach Maberry has been diagnosed with stage IV lymphoma. Throughout this news Maberry has maintained a positive attitude while the city has come together to support him with this battle in many ways.

When the news of Maberry’s cancer hit the school, many students quickly took action to help Maberry’s family in any way they could, including by making bracelets with the phrase “Maberry strong” written on them.

“I got the idea from something that happened similar when a friend passed away at Wester and we sold wristbands to raise money for her,” senior Corbin Frederick said. “I ordered 600 and sold all of them making about $1800 for coach Maberry. He inspired me and the rest of the team more than anybody could imagine, his ability to stay positive and strong with what he is going through shows us that we have no reason to have a bad attitude or whatever because there is always worse.”

Other places in the city are also donating money for his treatment like the new ice cream shop What’s the Scoop in Mansfield. They donated their entire daily profit to Maberry.

“When we started this business one of the things we wanted to do was to be apart of the community it was our calling,” manager Ashley Mione said. “We do spirit nights as well, but Maberry’s involvement and character pushed us to donate to him this week. We love that he is keeping such a positive attitude and that we got such a positive community.”

A few of the sports teams such as the basketball and golf team are also showing their support. The basketball team wore green ribbons in support and the golf team is donating their tournament profits to Maberry.

“Anytime you can help a close friend, in my opinion you do it,” teacher and golf coach Michael Wilson said. “As a coach, you always preach to your kids about how to react when you face adversity…. He is a prime example of that in my opinion and it starts with his attitude! As a community, I feel we are a extended family and that’s what you do when family members need help!”

Although tragedy can hit us at unexpected times, it is an opportunity to bring people closer together, and that is shown within the Mansfield community. Maberry’s approach to his unexpected illness inspires the students, and people of the community to give back and support in the ways they are.