Diversity Within Our Own Halls: The Stories You Never Knew

Immigration is a hot topic among our generation and it seems to be a major discussion between presidential candidates. Mansfield High is not known to be a school of diversity. A certain stereotype pops up into people’s heads when our school is mentioned. But what they don’t know is if you look close enough you can see that there is actually a good amount of diversity within our school. Not just race, but students who come from different cultures and that have parents who have immigrated from all over the world. Every student has a unique story that matters and not only are they interesting, but truly touching.
“Both of my parents are from Nigeria. My dad actually won the visa lottery! First he went to London and stayed with a friend, got everything situated, then he came back for me, my mom and my brother and we all went to London for a day or two and came to the U.S.,” senior Ope Adebanjo said.
Across the Atlantic to North America, another student was fortunate enough to have a life planned for her before she was even born. Her family’s reason to move from Mexico to the U.S is one she could not be more grateful for.
“They wanted to raise their family with a better chance because Mexico doesn’t have a lot of opportunities,” senior Suzette Ronces-Morales said. “People who live there are really poor and it’s dangerous there too.”
Melda Melly, an enthusiastic sophomore whose parents are from Kenya, is very proud of her African culture and is involved in the African Student Association. Although she was born in America, she makes it vital not forget where her family has come from.
“My dad came here for education and he wanted his kids to have a better life and have more options instead of just being a farmer,” sophomore Melda Melly said.
We all think of the “what ifs” every now and then. As for these students, it is not a question of “what if” but an expression of “thank goodness” when they think about what their lives would have been like if their parents had not immigrated to the U.S.
“I’d have an accent, I’d have crooked teeth and education opportunities wouldn’t be as great. I’m glad they brought me here,” Adebanjo said.
“If they hadn’t immigrated to the U.S, I would probably be working on the streets and selling candy,” Ronces-Morales said.
“I’m grateful because I get to experience more things, I get to live better and I don’t have to struggle. Its amazing, my parents put up all of this effort just for me and for my siblings. I’m glad my dad was thinking about me before I was even here, someone even cared about me before I existed,” Melly said.
For most students, their family’s decision to move to the U.S. is a blessing they cannot be more grateful for. The United States is the land of opportunity and is one of the best countries a person can live. As Mansfield Tigers we are proud of all cultures, embrace the differences and are not afraid to show it off.
For more information on the African Student association feel free to contact Glory Dan-Dukor or Mrs. Ford.