Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition – Andrew Harman

This week’s teacher throwback features Coach Harman, a football coach and geometry teacher.


Q: What jobs did you have before becoming a coach and teacher?

Before I was a coach, I worked at Red Lobster as a server for a little over five years and then worked at Vandergriff Chevrolet for two years as a car porter.  As a car porter I made sure the lot looked good and moved cars around all day.


Q: What led you to become a coach and teacher?

I come from a background of educators.  Both my mom and dad are teachers so I grew up going to my dad’s school with him.  As a freshman in high school, I had Coach Wylie as my World Geography teacher and football coach and my time in his class made me decide that I wanted to be a teacher and a coach.  I changed majors in college twice but ultimately, God called me to teaching and coaching.


Q: What kind of high school student would you describe yourself as?

I was a pretty quiet high school kid.  I made good grades and played football so I would hang out with my teammates often so people would probably classify me as a football player if you were to ask them today. 


Q: Who was your favorite singer or music group?

 I was a big country music fan and still am.  In high school I was a big fan of George Straight and Garth Brooks.  It wasn’t like today where you can stream whoever you want whenever you want, we had to go buy CDs or listen to the radio.


Q: What organizations or activities were you a part of? Favorite?

I was a football player, in the Key Club and in the National Honor Society.  My favorite was definitely football.  We were not very good but I had fun and learned a lot.  


Q: Describe one of your fondest moments from high school.

I think what I remember most is probably before and after football games on Friday nights. Before the game we would go to someone’s house and hang out while we waited to go up to the fieldhouse.  After the game we always went to Cici’s or Whataburger I always enjoyed that.  I think the spring of my senior year was probably my favorite part of my years in high school though.  


Q: Any advice for current or future students?

I would say most of all, enjoy it. Make friends, have fun and make memories. Second, I would also say always do your best. Do not settle for anything less than your best in academics, athletics or fine arts.  If your best is scout team, then be the best scout team player you can be. If your best is fifth chair in concert band then don’t be anything less than fifth chair.  And in school, if you best is a C then nothing less than a C is acceptable and if your best is an A, then nothing less than an A is acceptable.