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Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

  • || Six Weeks Ends February 13 ||
  • || Student Holiday February 14-17 ||
  • || Six Weeks Start February 18 ||
  • || Mansfield Speaks February 25 ||
  • || Senior Chocolate Sales Ends February 28 ||
Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Mansfield High School Online Newspaper

The Uproar

Lily Walker

Lily Walker, Staff Writer

I am a senior and this is my second year to write for MHS Uproar. At school, I am also involved with Acdec, UIL and NHS. In my free time, I like to take my dogs on walks, draw plants (but recently I’ve been into painting), go see superhero movies and watch feel-good shows. I am also a huge fan of any food containing peanut butter or dark chocolate, so it is practically a vital part of my snacks.

All content by Lily Walker
Personal Column: Coronavirus and its Impact

Personal Column: Coronavirus and its Impact

Lily Walker, Staff Writer April 23, 2020

I was in Washington D.C. to visit my brother when the president declared a national emergency and placed measures to limit the impact of the coronavirus. At the airport, in the streets and on the metro,...

UIL Realigns Districts for 2020

UIL Realigns Districts for 2020

Lily Walker, Staff Writer February 20, 2020

After the UIL’s biennial district realignment, which represents the change in student populations, MHS will move from region one to region two to become a part of district 11 next year. “My initial...

MHS Theater Presents Annual Musical: The Little Mermaid

MHS Theater Presents Annual Musical: The Little Mermaid

Lily Walker, Staff Writer February 10, 2020

After auditions in October, theater students will present the spring production, “The Little Mermaid,” at 7 p.m. Feb. 6 to 8 at the MISD Performing Arts Center. They are selling $8 presale tickets...

Frontier to Open STEM Academy Next Year

Frontier to Open STEM Academy Next Year

Lily Walker, Staff Writer January 29, 2020

To offer students further STEM studies, Frontier High School will open as Frontier STEM academy next year starting with its incoming freshman class and add another high school grade each year. “We...

Personal Column: Changing Majors

Personal Column: Changing Majors

Lily Walker, Staff Writer January 27, 2020

It is senior year, and for most, it is a stressful time to decide where to apply to college and where to attend. As a result, my parents scheduled many college visits during the school year and summer....

Junior Spurs Black Student Association Involvement

Junior Spurs Black Student Association Involvement

Lily Walker, Staff Writer January 23, 2020

While the yellow lights dimmed into darkness, Black Student Association’s founding president and junior Kendall Fields helped unroll the colorful mats to form a circle. As she laid onto the mat, she...

Movie Review: Frozen II

Movie Review: Frozen II

Lily Walker, Staff Writer January 16, 2020

While Frozen II was well done in terms of visual production and lyrics, I would say the movie did not meet my high expectations. Maybe it is because I am older, since the first time I watched the original...

District Creates Angel Accounts to Provide for Students

District Creates Angel Accounts to Provide for Students

Lily Walker, Staff Writer January 8, 2020

After the district Student Nutrition Services created Angel Accounts in October, students, parents and faculty can donate to the campus Angel Account through the cafeteria cashiers or online at

Tiger Ambassadors Amps Up Toys for Tots Drive

Tiger Ambassadors Amps Up Toys for Tots Drive

Lily Walker, Staff Writer December 9, 2019

After Tiger Ambassadors hosted a Toys for Tots drive from Nov. 3 - Dec. 3, they collected about 1,000 Christmas toys to donate to children. “Mansfield High School always makes me so proud of how generous...

District Notifies Parents After Two Students Contract Pertussis

District Notifies Parents After Two Students Contract Pertussis

Lily Walker, Staff Writer November 22, 2019

After two students were diagnosed with a contagious disease, pertussis, the Tarrant County Public Health department contacted the district, who sent maintenance crews to clean classrooms and areas Nov....

UTA Offers Free Applications to High School Students

UTA Offers Free Applications to High School Students

Lily Walker, Staff Writer November 12, 2019

After UT Arlington hired Director Rebeccca Lothringer, UTA will host an application drive from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. next Monday in room F4, which will provide seniors the opportunity to have their $75 UTA...

Buechele Offers New Changes to Library

Buechele Offers New Changes to Library

Lily Walker, Staff Writer November 1, 2019

After the school hired Librarian Becca Buechele this year, the library became more than a place to study, but a classroom and a common place for students to play games and socialize.   “What...

Homecoming Recap: Festivities, Court

Lily Walker, Staff Writer October 30, 2019

Before the game began, the band and color guard performed their spirit show, “British Invasion,” playing classic songs by the Beatles, Elton John and Queen as MHS flags fluttered in the wind. It was...

Personal Column: Gratuity

Personal Column: Gratuity

Lily Walker, Staff Writer October 22, 2019

I’ve grown accustomed to my life in Mansfield. I have lived here for most of my years and the only other places I typically go to are other popular attractions and other big cities. We stay in the supposedly...

District Recognizes Mollie Blank as Athlete of the Month

District Recognizes Mollie Blank as Athlete of the Month

Lily Walker, Staff Writer October 18, 2019

After recently winning against a major rival, Waxahachie HS, MHS varsity volleyball played against another opponent, Lake Ridge HS. Initially, the MHS team had a tough start after losing two sets but the...

Two MHS Students Qualify as National Merit Semifinalists

Two MHS Students Qualify as National Merit Semifinalists

Lily Walker, Staff Writer September 30, 2019

After Senior Venny Kojouharov and Dylan Nanney scored high on the PSAT last October, they were recognized as National Merit Semifinalists Sept. 11 and will qualify to become finalists, which College Board...

District Offers Free SAT Tests to Upperclassmen

District Offers Free SAT Tests to Upperclassmen

Lily Walker, Staff Writer September 19, 2019

Because of the Texas Education Agency’s goal to track if students are college career ready or military ready, MHS will offer seniors free SAT tests Oct. 16 and will provide juniors free SAT tests in...

86th Texas Legislature Law Provisions

86th Texas Legislature Law Provisions

Lily Walker, Staff Writer September 9, 2019

Because the Texas Legislature meets every two years for 140 calendar days, the 86th Legislature session voted and passed 820 house/senate bills that went into effect Sunday. Below are a few of...

Editorial: Are iPads Worth It?

Lily Walker, Staff Writer August 28, 2019

Each MISD middle school student has the opportunity to get a school-issued iPad for educational purposes, such as class research, assignments or notes until they leave the district. However,...

Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition – Tanya Maness

Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition – Tanya Maness

Lily Walker, Staff Writer August 28, 2019

Teacher Tanya Maness, who transferred from Arlington HS to MHS this year, sponsors Academic Decathlon and teaches biology.   Q: What was your favorite class or teacher when you were...

JROTC Members Win National Championship in Florida

JROTC Members Win National Championship in Florida

Lily Walker, Staff Writer May 22, 2019

Thirty Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps members won first place overall championship at the National High School Drill Team Championship Challenge division May 3 in Daytona Beach, Florida, where...

Mansfield Hosts 3 Russian Students to Share American Culture

Lily Walker, Staff Writer May 1, 2019

Because Allies in Youth Development partnered with the district, three Russian students: junior Elizaveta Lugovaya, sophomore Pavel Sterlyagov and junior Aleksandr Kurbatov visited the school April 17...

District Installs AIPHONE System to Improve Security

District Installs AIPHONE System to Improve Security

Lily Walker, Staff Writer April 23, 2019

To add another layer of security, the district installed the AIPHONE Intercom System April 8, which requires students, visitors and employees to ring a bell and show an identification card to a camera...

Welch Recognized as Teacher of the Year

Welch Recognized as Teacher of the Year

Lily Walker, Staff Writer March 12, 2019

She walks into class late, tired and miserable, but says nothing about it as she starts her exam. Her professor notices something is wrong. He can tell things in life have been rough for her and asks her...

Counselors Discuss Scholarships, Grants Available to Students

Counselors Discuss Scholarships, Grants Available to Students

Lily Walker, Staff Writer February 22, 2019

With college expenses around the corner for many seniors, scholarship applications can be a long process to complete, but nonetheless there are resources and people available to assist college-bound students...

Cathryn Turner Named 2019 Valedictorian

Cathryn Turner Named 2019 Valedictorian

Lily Walker, Staff Writer February 8, 2019

After she hears other people discussing ranks are out, the senior rushes to the front office. She is nervous, but quickly a smile forms. Senior Cathryn Turner pulls out her phone and takes a single picture...

AcaDec Team to Compete at Regional Meet This Weekend

AcaDec Team to Compete at Regional Meet This Weekend

Lily Walker, Staff Writer February 4, 2019

To be eligible for the state meet the Academic Decathlon team, who have been studying throughout the year, will compete at the regional meet on Feb. 8 and 9 at Martin High School. “We made a game...

Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition – Heather Jungman

Lily Walker, Staff Writer January 25, 2019

Q: What high school did you go to? A: I went to Azle high school. It is in north west of Fort Worth. I grew up in Azle. Q: What kind of high school student would you have described yourself as? A:...

Theater Will Perform Winter Production Next Month

Theater Will Perform Winter Production Next Month

Lily Walker, Staff Writer January 18, 2019

Tickets are available for the annual winter theater production, “Catch Me If You Can”, which is about a child who runs away from home and becomes a millionaire by working multiple careers through...

Fore Wins Regional Teacher Leader Award

Fore Wins Regional Teacher Leader Award

Lily Walker, Staff Writer December 19, 2018

A line of Texas Association of Future Educators student officers stand while announcing all of the awards. Over 200 pairs of eyes in the crowd are watching and listening to the speakers. In the audience,...

Junior Opens Food Pantry to Help Fellow Students

Junior Opens Food Pantry to Help Fellow Students

Lily Walker, Staff Writer December 11, 2018

She stands up, jittery before approaching, in front of the entire AcaDec team. Her train of thought is a little all over the place, yet she keeps going with her speech, reminding herself of how she is...

Editorial: Exam Exemptions and Illnesses

Editorial: Exam Exemptions and Illnesses

Lily Walker, Staff Writer December 11, 2018

To maintain exemption eligibility, some students who may be ill continue to attend school with hopes to keep their absences under the maximum allott of two. If a student is unwell, then he or she should...

Weekend Things to Do: Winter Holiday Edition

Weekend Things to Do: Winter Holiday Edition

Lily Walker, Staff Writer December 3, 2018

It is Friday. With no plans that night, except maybe trying to catch up on the latest show on Netflix, you are bundled up with blankets. You have been straining your eyes while staring at the glowing screen...

Students to Take AP Common Assessments

Students to Take AP Common Assessments

Lily Walker, Staff Writer November 15, 2018

Beginning last week, the district has started to administer two common assessments per year in many AP classes with hopes to prepare students for the spring AP exams. These common assessments, or CAs,...

Personal Column: Stress

Personal Column: Stress

Lily Walker, Staff Writer November 2, 2018

Beep! Beep! My phone went off with texts going in and out. I replied as quickly as I could, while all three sleep-deprived members, including myself, tried to edit a 30-page business plan due the following...

Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition – Larry Harmon

Lily Walker, Staff Writer October 24, 2018

Q: What highschool did you go to and where? A: I went to two high schools. For three years, I went to North Garland High School in Garland. Then I moved my senior year and graduated from a school called...

Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition - Anna Guillory

Throwback Thursday: Teacher Edition – Anna Guillory

Lily Walker, Staff Writer October 18, 2018

For this week's Throwback Thursday article, we got to learn about our new favorite art teacher. She has quickly gained both respect and love from her students, in a little over a year of teaching.   Q:...

Editorial: Student Section Behavior

Editorial: Student Section Behavior

Lily Walker, Staff Writer October 12, 2018

While the Summit High School band was performing their halftime show at this year’s annual blackout football game, MHS students began to verbally attack them and disturb the atmosphere of a high school...

TCS New York City Marathon Selects Local Teacher to Run

TCS New York City Marathon Selects Local Teacher to Run

Lily Walker, Staff Writer October 1, 2018

Checking her email, AP history teacher Dawn Welch stumbles upon an intriguing subject line. Spam is one of the first words that comes to her mind. Still, she takes the bait and opens the email with her...

District Imposes $25 Fee on AP Exams

District Imposes $25 Fee on AP Exams

Lily Walker, Staff Writer September 6, 2018

After a recent expired grant, the district will require this year’s AP students to pay a $25 general fee for each AP exam they choose to take. “Two years ago, we were given federal money to pay...

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